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Sunday, 27 August 2017


53-year-old single mum of two, Mavis Wanczyk, who beat odds of one-in-292.2 million, immediately called her work to say she would not be returning, after winning $758.7 million ,the largest single win in American lottery history, making her richer than Beyonce and Taylor Swift combined .

 Mavis, mother of a 31-year-old daughter and a 26-year-old son who works as a hospital cleric and from Chicopee, Massachusetts, found out about her win while on what turned out to be her last night shift at a hospital where she had been for more than 30 years. According to CBS news, Mavis she was with her colleague Rob when she checked her numbers. She explained:- “And he’s reading these numbers and I pull mine out and I go ‘hey, I have that …’ and he goes ‘let me see that ticket,’ he goes, ‘you just won.’” When asked what she wants to do with all the money she has won, she said, “The first thing I want to do is just sit back and relax and I had a pipe dream and my pipe dream has finally come true, I wanted to retire in 12 (years) and it came early. “I’ve called work and told them I will not be coming back.

“I just want to be me and figure out what I want to do. I’m scared but I’ll be ok.” The shop owner, Bob Bolduc, collected $50,000 (£39,000) for selling the winning ticket and is to give the money to charity. Mavis will now have to decide whether to take a lump sum or have her winnings paid out over 30 years. If she chooses the quick cash she will receive about $480.5 million as wins in America, are taxed.
Ps: Anyone's fortunes fortunes can change overnight
Enjoy your mega millions mommy ☺

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