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Sunday, 24 September 2017


Movie actress Liz Anjorin has been in the media of late with her controversial views on highly sensitive topics. She is back again in the news this time with her views on what almost everyone thinks as cheating and irresponsibility in men to be a perfectly normal situation in her own opinion. 

Here's her take on this :

 Outspoken actress, Lizzy Anjorin who has become quite controversial of late, has called out to women to guard their hearts jealously, as 80 per cent of men are born polygamists and may lust after their best friends.

 During an interview with Sunonline, she said:

“Ladies should be more concerned about what they have in their bank accounts or in their brains before showing off their men to friends or uploading proposal videos on social media. You can’t tell, anything can happen. How good you are in bed or in the kitchen are not enough to satisfy men. Some of them even say worst and evils things about their women when things are no longer rosy.

 Another secret is that, some men derive joy in making their women cry or go through pains. Some men even go as low as sleeping with your house help or friends but that does not make him a bad person neither is it a strong excuse for you to quit.Instead, buckle-up and raise your head, be positive and work harder, better things are ahead of you. In case you find yourself in an unpleasant relationship; unpleasant is different from abusive; if you don’t have a better offer yet, don’t quit or start showing him attitude.

 Who knows, the next man may be more disastrous. We all know that sometimes, some of our past relationships are far better than the one we are into presently. That’s why an adage says: a bird in hand is better than millions in the bush.”

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